Progress that revolves around giving back to the Society
1. CSR Policy
i) SPR’s policy is to conduct its business responsibly and improve the quality of life of people, especially in the society close to our area of operation, while creating long term value for all stake holders.
ii) The above policy is applicable for all CSR projects/programmes/activities undertaken by the Company.
2. CSR Activities
i) The Company shall take up CSR projects/programmes/activities that are listed under Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.
ii) The Company will take up CSR projects/programmes/activities in the following areas:-
a) Education
b) Health Care
c) Sanitation
d) Environment
e) Any other areas as approved by the CSR Committee/Board
iii) Projects/programmes/activities aimed at persons from disadvantageous background or persons who are differently abled will have priority.
3. CSR Budget
i) Every year, the Company is required to spend atleast 2% of the net profits made by the Company during immediately preceding 3 financial years.
ii) Any unspent amount shall be utilized as per provisions of Companies Act and rules made there under or any other statutory enactments.
iii) Any surplus arising out of CSR activities shall not form part of business profits of the Company and shall be ploughed back into the same project/programme/activity.
4. Implementation
i) A Central Department will be responsible for implementing CSR activities across the company.
The CSR Department will be headed by a person nominated by the Company (currently Shri D.C. Joshi) supported by adequate personnel.
ii) The CSR activities will be implemented, in any of the following manner:-
a) Directly
b) Collaborating with various organisations, which are registered as a Trust or a Section 8 Company or Society or NGO
or any other entity specialising in CSR activity, registered under Rule 4(2) of Companies (CSR Policy) Rules.
c) Collaborating with other Companies or industry bodies like CII, FICCI, etc.
d) Contributing to various funds permitted under the Companies Act, 2013.
iii) The CSR activities shall be carried out in a transparent and time bound manner.
5. Monitoring
i) After the CSR plan is approved by the Board, the CSR cell will take steps for implementation of the CSR activities.
ii) The progress on implementation of CSR activities will be reviewed by the Managing Director & CEO and presented in the Corporate Management Group (CMG) meetings, on quarterly basis.
iii) The CSR Committee shall review the progress on implementation of CSR activities on annual basis and submit progress report to the Board.
iv) The Chief Financial Officer shall, on an annual basis, certify to the Board that funds so disbursed have been utilized for the purposes and in the manner approved by the Board.
6. Annual Action Plan
The CSR Committee shall formulate and recommend an annual action plan to the Board for its approval. This annual action plan shall include the following details:
• the list of CSR projects or programmes that are proposed to be undertaken in areas or subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act;
• the manner of execution of such projects or programmes as specified in the rules;
• the modalities of utilisation of funds and implementation schedules for the projects or programmes;
• monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; and
• details of need and impact assessment, if any, for the projects undertaken by the Company.
In case of an ongoing project, the Board, shall monitor the implementation of the project with reference to the approved timelines and yearwise allocation and may make modifications, if any, for smooth implementation of the project within the overall permissible time period.
7. General
i) All or any provisions of this policy would be subject to revision/ amendment by the Board of Directors of the Company based on the recommendations of CSR Committee or else in accordance with the guidelines on the subject as may be issued, from time to time.
ii) The Company shall follow provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules framed thereunder and any other legal provisions pertaining to CSR, as amended from time to time.
In the event of any conflict between any of the provision of this Policy and the Act or rules framed thereunder or any other statutory enactments, the provisions of such Act or rules or statutory enactments shall prevail over this Policy.
In case of any amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s), notification(s) etc. issued by the relevant authorities, not being consistent with the provisions laid down under this Policy, the same will be put up to the Board.
The company has spent Rs.248.2 Million during last 8 years on CSR Projects and Programmes as follows:-
Year | Amount(Rs./Million) |
2014-15 | 6.58 |
2015-16 | 18.50 |
2016-17 | 31.52 |
2017-18 | 36.51 |
2018-19 | 48.10 |
2019-20 | 41.61 |
2020-21 | 35.69* |
2021-22 | 29.73** |
* Includes Rs.10.26 Mn. on “Ongoing Projects” transferred to “Unspent CSR A/c.”
**Includes Rs.9.08 Mn on “Ongoing Projects” transferred to “Unspent CSR A/c”.
The main projects and programmes undertaken by the company are as follows:-
Health Care
Six charitable dispensaries and two Mobile Health Units to provide medical care to the needy are operational. These Health Care Facilities are catering to about 480 patients per day.
During the year, the company has adopted a new project of starting a new Charitable Dispensary which is now functional.
The company has also dedicated a floor in a hospital which provides medical treatment in hygienic atmosphere at a lower cost to poor and needy patients.
The Company organizes Preventive Health Check up camps as well as Blood Donation and yoga camps at regular intervals.
Old Age Home
With a view to provide comfortable shelter to destitutes and abandoned elderly, the company has taken up a new Project of “Making a Medical Centre Block in Old Age Home, Garhmukteshwar”.
1. Adoption of Senior Secondary Government Girls School, Tijara, Alwar.
The School was adopted by the company in 2014-15. The company has transformed the School into a 5 Star rated School not only in terms of infrastructure (including development of laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology) but also in the standard of education imparted to the students.
The School has made all-round progress in terms of total strength, average percentage of marks obtained, pass percentage, 1st divisions, distinctions, and highest percentage of marks obtained.
A summary of improvements in the various parameters of the School are as follows:-
Particulars | Before Adoption | Now | |
Total Strength – Nos. | 455 | 954 | |
Average Attendance – % | 82 | 76* | |
Pass Percentage – % | XII | 97 | 98 |
X | 48 | 61 | |
1st Division – Nos. | XII | 25 | 69 |
X | 12 | 20 | |
Distinction – Nos. | 14 | 123 | |
Highest Percentage – % | XII | 75 | 85 |
X | 77 | 81 | |
Prime Minister Shield to Scouts & Guides | – | _/ | |
Rajya/Gargi Puraskar – Nos. | – | ** | |
Rashtriya Puraskar | – | ** | |
*Due to Covid-19 pandemic effect. **Not organized this year due to Covid-19 pandemic. |
The students also participate in extracurricular activities like – Seminars, Lectures, quiz competitions, debate competitions, group discussions, writing competitions, personality development classes, English speaking classes, adventure/training camps, sports camps, cultural events etc.
2. Vocational Training Center for women for their empowerment, where 450 students have so far completed their training and are employed/self-employed and/or helping themselves.
3. Diploma Courses for 10th / 12th pass students enabling them to get employment. So far, six batches have been completed where 426 students passed out the Certificate Course. All students have either been placed in employment and they are self-employed.
Adoption of Village
The Company has adopted a village in which it has contributed to its all-round development by providing potable drinking water, making the village open defecation free, starting a Dispensary, Street Lighting, renovation of Community Center and various other jobs in its two schools.
Besides the above, the company has also undertaken following projects/ programmes:-
1. Covid -19 related support
2. Adoption of two Government Primary Schools
3. Organizing Health Care, Preventive, Yoga, Eye Care, Blood Donation Camps etc.
4. Provision of drinking water by installing Hand Pumps and Water Coolers etc.
5. Development of Park and other areas
6. Rain Water harvesting
7. Building of toilets
8. Solar lights in villages in Bhiwadi
9. Constructing a Hall in Divyang School, Ghaziabad.
10. Providing a Bolero Vehicle to a Girl Orphanage in Dharuhera.
List of CSR Projects approved by the Board for the year 2022-23 are given in the table below:-
Sl. No. | Name of the Project | Amount (in Rs./Mn) |
A. APPROVED FOR 2022-23 | ||
1. | School Facilities Augmentation/Vocational Training | 6.91 |
2. | Dispensaries/Health Care | 14.16 |
3. | Building/Maintenance of Toilets | 0.20 |
4. | Development of Park/other areas | 0.95 |
5. | Rural Development (Adoption of village) | 3.10 |
6. | Support to Leprosy Centre | 0.70 |
7 | Support to – Girl orphanage | 1.80 |
8. | Adhoc | 1.00 |
TOTAL `A’ | 28.82 | |
1. | New Dispensary | 3.00 |
2. | Construction of a New Block in “Old Age Home”, Garhmukteshwar. | 7.15 |
TOTAL `B’ | 10.15 | |
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) | 39.0 |
CSR Awards Received
Bhamashah Samman
Six Times Recipient of “Bhamashah Award – Shiksha Bhushan” for supporting the cause of Education in Rajasthan.
CSR Excellence Award in 2017 by Rajasthan Government for Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
- Healthcare
- School Development